EntertainmentClinic mix-up: In vitro error binds two families in a legal battle

Clinic mix‑up: In vitro error binds two families in a legal battle

The results of DNA tests revealed a dramatic mistake. Donna and Vanner Johnson's son, conceived through in vitro fertilization, is not biologically related to Vanner. The clinic's error changed the lives of two families.

After years, they discovered a surprising truth about their son
After years, they discovered a surprising truth about their son
Images source: © Getty Images | CATHERINE DELAHAYE

The story of Donna and Vanner Johnson is an unusual example of how deeply the consequences of medical mistakes can be. The decision to conduct DNA tests was supposed to help them better understand their roots, but it ended up turning their lives upside down.

The doctors' mistake came to light years later

The couple decided to undergo in vitro fertilization to fulfill their dream of expanding their family. While they succeeded, the bliss was shaken after several years in a way that could serve as a script for a TV series.

The Johnsons wanted to learn more about their family's history and create a family tree. To this end, they conducted genetic tests among their closest relatives. When the test results revealed that their 12-year-old son, conceived through in vitro fertilization, is not biologically related to Vanner, they were shocked.

Further tests revealed that years ago, there was a mistake at the clinic. The boy's biological father, Devin McNeil, is from Colorado. Both families decided to contact each other and jointly sue the facility, whose mistake significantly impacted their lives.

Discovering the truth connected the two families

Despite the complex emotions that this situation caused, both the Johnsons and McNeil are trying to find their way in the new reality. Importantly, Vanner's love for his son has remained unchanged, and both families decided to stay in touch to cope with this challenging experience together.

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