TechKitchen hack: Sharpen your dull knife with a ceramic mug

Kitchen hack: Sharpen your dull knife with a ceramic mug

When something is missing in the kitchen, a true chef doesn't panic but starts acting like a culinary MacGyver. What should you do when your knife is dull or your grater isn't working properly? A ceramic mug is all you need to quickly fix them!

How can a ceramic mug save knives?
How can a ceramic mug save knives?
Images source: © Pexels | Bec R.

Nothing can hinder work in the kitchen like a dull knife. We say this with full conviction. This irritation even surpasses peeling eggs or cleaning a burnt pot. Nothing is more frustrating than struggling with a blunt tool, and it's also dangerous. Paradoxically, dull knives have a higher chance of causing cuts. Why? A well-sharpened blade makes precise cuts, while a dull knife may unexpectedly change direction, posing a risk of serious cuts.

Ceramic mug as a sharpener

Many people still underestimate the importance of a sharpener in the kitchen. That's a mistake, as you don't have to be a professional chef to benefit from well-sharpened knives. You can feel the difference with precise and quick slicing. Dull knives crush instead of cut, which is unpleasant both in terms of smell and the appearance of dishes.

What should you do if you don't have a sharpener and your knife needs urgent sharpening? You can use a... ceramic mug! It only takes a few moments for the knife to be sharp again. How do you do it?

Turn the mug upside down and slide the knife blade over the unglazed edge at an angle of 15-20 degrees. Repeat this process for both sides of the blade. You'll notice a difference after just 30 seconds.

How to take care of kitchen knives?

Most chefs strongly advise against washing knives in dishwashers. However, if you do, make sure the knife blade doesn't touch other items. Regularly wash knives, don't let food dry on the blades, and store them safely.

An interesting way to care for blades is using parchment paper. Thanks to its waxed coating, you can achieve great results. You can read more about this in another one of our articles.

Hand washing knives is safer than using a dishwasher.
Hand washing knives is safer than using a dishwasher.© Canva

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