FoodWinter greens: Arugula's rise over lettuce and its perks

Winter greens: Arugula's rise over lettuce and its perks

Arugula is more likely to enter our grocery carts in winter than lettuce. Its sturdy leaves don't wilt as quickly, so you always have something green in the fridge. Arugula is also an excellent addition to sandwiches and salads, so knowing how to handle it properly is worthwhile.

Start by examining the arugula leaves.
Start by examining the arugula leaves.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

We treat arugula much like lettuce and use it in similar ways. Most often, it's used to make salads and added to sandwiches. Italians even use it on pizza. However, arugula is part of the cruciferous vegetable family related to radishes and horseradish. This relation gives arugula its distinctive, slightly peppery, nutty flavour.

For taste and health

The small, serrated leaves of arugula are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as potassium and iron. These nutrients help support the immune system. Arugula also contains compounds that aid digestion and positively influence intestinal flora, making it a great addition to your winter diet. The freshest, firmest leaves provide the best taste and can stay that way for a long time if you care for them properly.

How to store arugula?

During this time of year, it's easiest to buy prepackaged arugula. But is simply placing the plastic package in the fridge enough? Unfortunately, this isn't the best method for keeping arugula fresh, as it may dry out or rot more quickly.

It's best to start by sorting through the leaves and discarding any dry, heavily bruised, or overripe. If these are left in the package, arugula will spoil faster. Next, transfer the leaves to a container with a lid lined with a damp paper towel. Ensure the towel is just slightly moist, not wet, to prevent drying out. Choose a larger container so the leaves have plenty of space and aren't crushed.

Arugula perfect for pesto

If you need to use arugula quickly, make a salad. It pairs perfectly with tomatoes, avocados, eggs, and various cheeses such as mozzarella, feta, or parmesan. If you want to use it quickly and still store it, prepare arugula pesto. It should be kept in the fridge and consumed within five days.

Arugula pesto


Arugula pesto is perfect for pasta.
Arugula pesto is perfect for pasta.© Adobe Stock
  • 1 cup fresh arugula,
  • 2 tablespoons walnuts,
  • 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese,
  • 3-4 tablespoons olive oil,
  • 1 clove garlic,
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Wash the arugula and dry it thoroughly with a paper towel.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor.
  3. Blend for a few minutes until smooth.
  4. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

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