LifestyleA spotless loo: Simple hack for a cleaner toilet brush

A spotless loo: Simple hack for a cleaner toilet brush

A toilet brush can quickly become laden with deposits and dirt. How can it be cleaned thoroughly? The method below is unparalleled.

Pour this onto the toilet brush - this will remove stains.
Pour this onto the toilet brush - this will remove stains.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | ©2015, Kathy Burns-Millyard

Maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom is essential for the health and comfort of household members. Regularly cleaning the toilet, including the bowl and toilet seat, prevents the growth of bacteria and deposits. Home methods, such as using vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, are both effective and environmentally friendly.

A toilet brush is crucial for keeping the bathroom clean. However, it also needs proper cleaning, as it can harbour dirt, bacteria, and germs.

How can you give your brush a thorough clean? There's a simple, effective method that everyone should know. Remember, bacteria can linger on the brush, making regular cleaning and replacement very important.

Clean the toilet brush with this - instantly remove all dirt

How to keep the brush clean? We can prepare an effective cleaner with a few household items. We need:

  • about 125 ml of vinegar;
  • a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda;
  • a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Mix the ingredients listed above until a smooth substance is formed. Next, pour the resulting cleaner over the dirty toilet brush. Leave it for a few minutes so the homemade cleaning agent can start working. After this time, simply rinse the brush thoroughly with hot water.

With this cleaner, any previously settled dirt and germs on the brush should rinse off. This method also helps eliminate unpleasant odours.

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