LifestyleA surprising sock trick for slipping-proof winter walks

A surprising sock trick for slipping-proof winter walks

The pavements in winter sometimes resemble an ice rink. How can you protect yourself from falling? A certain TikToker shows how to avoid slipping with a very simple trick. The idea has gained considerable popularity among internet users.

How not to slip?
How not to slip?
Images source: © Adobe Stock
Dominika Frydrych

When temperatures drop below freezing, ice and packed, hard snow appear on the pavements. It's very easy to slip and fall painfully, which can result in a serious injury or an unpleasant bruise. How can you prevent this? A TikToker shared an unusual method for maintaining stability on slippery surfaces.

How not to slip on the pavement?

What does the internet user advise? She suggests an unusual trick - putting socks over your shoes. The material significantly increases the grip of any sole. "No slipping for me today! Top tip, put socks over your shoes if you don't have suitable footwear," she wrote.

Internet users are surprised by the effectiveness of this simple trick. Beneath Lisa's video, there are many comments confirming that the "sock hack" works.

"I saw a woman with socks on her shoes and wondered what was going on. I was very surprised, but now I know it makes sense," and "I don't care that it looks silly. I'd rather look silly than end up with a broken bone" are some of the comments under the video. Some also noted that they have encountered this method before: "My late aunt always did this, everyone made fun of her," and "I've been doing this for many years."

Methods for slippery shoes

Another way to stop slipping on the pavement is to stick two fabric adhesive bandages to each sole in the shape of an "X". Although this simple and effective solution is not very durable. On rainy days, the bandages will quickly come off, so this should be treated as a temporary solution on a dry and frosty day.

We can also gently sandpaper the soles and then spray them with hairspray. This method should be repeated before each time you go outside.

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