TechAI breathes life into dinosaurs: A step towards eco-awareness

AI breathes life into dinosaurs: A step towards eco‑awareness

Can we bring dinosaurs back to life? The answer is, in a sense, yes, if by "life", we mean visual effects created by artificial intelligence. Virtual reconstructions look truly impressive.

AI brings animals, including dinosaurs, to life.
AI brings animals, including dinosaurs, to life.
Images source: © Facebook
Sebastian Barysz

Artificial intelligence is enabling a whole new level of creativity in materials. One internet user had a fascinating idea and used AI to "bring extinct animals to life." The results of his efforts are truly remarkable.

Artificial intelligence "resurrects" extinct animal species

These animals "come to life" thanks to the power of AI. What would a moving deinonychus look like? This question was answered by Matt Giambrone, a Facebook user who, inspired by technology, created a realistic - albeit short - recording of a feathered dinosaur using video generation tools.

It's worth noting a comment posted under the video. One user stated that artificial intelligence can create a more accurate dinosaur than what we see in popular films about these prehistoric creatures. Cinema has significantly influenced people's imaginations about dinosaurs, which often diverge from current scientific findings. Research shows that some dinosaur species indeed had feathers.

This is a good way to promote ecology

The material prepared by China Xinhua Sci-Tech deserves attention, as it presented a video compilation of animals "brought to life" using artificial intelligence. This captivating recording shows how modern technology can recreate the images of extinct species.

These types of materials are not just curiosities; they are also a way to promote pro-ecological attitudes.

The rapid development of AI tools is clear to the naked eye. In a few years, we may be able to create high-quality films while sitting comfortably at home, with the only limitations being the equipment we own and our imagination.

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