FoodAlarming rates of potassium deficiency revealed, experts advise to take action

Alarming rates of potassium deficiency revealed, experts advise to take action

A potassium deficiency is associated with many unpleasant consequences. What symptoms should concern us? And how can we catch up on this mineral? Dr Bartek Kulczyński, a food technologist and diet therapy specialist, recently discussed this. It’s worth knowing!

A deficiency of potassium is associated with many unpleasant consequences.
A deficiency of potassium is associated with many unpleasant consequences.
Images source: © Canva | satjawat-boontanataweepols-images

Data on the deficiency of potassium in the diet are not optimistic. According to them, only 14 per cent of the population consumes this important element in the quantities recommended by doctors. Moreover, this dietary deficiency is by no means small. As doctor explained on his YouTube channel, we consume on average only half of the potassium needed by the body. It’s no wonder the body starts to react drastically to this deficiency.

Consequences of potassium deficiency

Such neglect is associated with numerous consequences, as explained by doctor. The first symptoms of potassium deficiency are usually muscle weakness, skin numbness, and a noticeably irregular heart rhythm. However, the potential health risks do not end there. The dietitian mentioned, among others:

  • the possibility of delaying or disrupting the transmission of signals between nerves and muscles,
  • increased fatigue resulting from disturbed glucose metabolism,
  • sleep disturbances,
  • the formation of kidney stones,
  • increased blood pressure,
  • breathing problems.

Potassium in the diet. Time to catch up!

As you can see, it’s worth ensuring an appropriate amount of potassium in your diet. And in which foods can we find the most of this essential element? Dr Kulczyński also discussed this. As he pointed out, we should first pay attention to consuming the right amount of vegetables and fruits: pumpkin, sweet potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, kale, beetroot, bananas, apricots, kiwi, and avocados.

The diet should also be diversified with other potassium-rich foods. We can find this mineral in mushrooms such as chanterelles and oyster mushrooms, as well as white beans and buckwheat. However, food is not everything. As the doctor noted, potassium is also an important component of, among others, cocoa and coconut water. It’s worth remembering — after all, it’s not just about being healthy, but also about enjoying tasty food.

Potassium deficiency? It's worth reaching for vegetables and fruit!
Potassium deficiency? It's worth reaching for vegetables and fruit!© Canva | Rudikennard

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