HealthAlcohol intolerance may signal hidden cancer risk, study finds

Alcohol intolerance may signal hidden cancer risk, study finds

Cancer is a particularly insidious disease, often not revealing itself long or giving nonspecific symptoms at the beginning of its development. It turns out that one of the first signals of cancer may be a reaction after consuming even a small amount of alcohol. These conclusions were drawn by a British scientist who conducted detailed research in this field.

Alcohol intolerance may indicate cancer.
Alcohol intolerance may indicate cancer.
Images source: © Getty Images | Calvin Stevenson

Experts from the Mayo Clinic emphasise that alcohol intolerance often results from genetic factors. People with this disorder have problems metabolising alcohol, causing even a few sips to produce unpleasant symptoms. In others, these symptoms usually appear only after an alcohol overdose.

Alcohol intolerance may be a symptom of cancer

The relationship between cancer and hypersensitivity to alcohol was investigated by Dr Thurstan Brewin of The Royal College of Radiologists in the United Kingdom. The results of his work were published in the medical journal "BMJ". The findings are fascinating. The scientist discovered that people with alcohol allergies are at an increased risk of certain types of cancer.

Symptoms of alcohol intolerance may include low blood pressure, facial flushing, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, nasal congestion, runny nose, hives, and exacerbated asthma symptoms. According to scientists from the Royal College of Radiologists, such ailments may appear in cancer patients. The obtained statistics confirm this. Of the 155 study participants, 79 cancer patients reported unusual pain associated with alcohol consumption.

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The health problems reported by patients were mainly related to Hodgkin's lymphoma. This cancer originates from B lymphocytes, often affecting people aged 15 to 35. Symptoms of this cancer include high fever, night sweats, unintended weight loss, and unexplained bleeding. Itching of the skin and excessive fatigue of the body often occur as well.

However, Hodgkin's lymphoma also often occurs in older people - especially those over 50. Importantly, it is relatively easy to treat - standard methods allow its elimination in even 80-90% of cases.

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