SportsAmerican under-16 basketball dominance: A snapshot of Disparity

American under-16 basketball dominance: A snapshot of Disparity

In recent days, internet users have been sharing photos of young basketball players from the United States and El Salvador on social media. The photo has gained popularity not for the first time.

Young female basketball players from the USA and El Salvador
Young female basketball players from the USA and El Salvador
Images source: © X | Twitter
Sebastian Szczytkowski

The photo shows under-16 basketball players waiting to go onto the court. The Americans stand proudly in line while their El Salvadoran opponents accompany them with great shyness. The United States representatives have an enormous advantage in terms of height. The shortest among them is still taller than any player from El Salvador.

The photojournalist had his day because his photo regularly makes the rounds on the internet. It turns out that it has already been five years since the match between the young United States and El Salvador basketball players took place in 2019.

The difference between the teams was visible to the naked eye in the tunnel leading to the court and the game. The Americans won the continental championship 114-19. El Salvador's best quarter result was nine points; in the last, they scored only one end with a free throw.

The United States is a larger country than El Salvador, and more money is invested in developing female basketball players there. The most talented go through selection, while in El Salvador, the team often consists of volunteers. For example, the young Americans were equipped with matching footwear, while their opponents had to care for that themselves.

Years have passed since the match with El Salvador captured in the photo, and the Americans are still achieving colossal victories. For example, in the previous season, the under-16 team defeated Mexico 123-27 and the Dominican Republic 106-34. They practically never lose, and no one puts up a fight.

The Americans play more evenly matched games in adult basketball, yet they can boast the most significant successes. In 2020, they became Olympic champions, and in 2022, they became world champions. El Salvador can only dream of such achievements.

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