TechAmericans to produce new abrams tanks to meet global demand

Americans to produce new abrams tanks to meet global demand

Although the M1A2SEPv3 Abrams tanks delivered to the army and foreign clients are described as new, they are, in practice, built using old components with reset lifespans. Soon, this situation will change – the Americans plan to start producing new Abrams tanks.

Abrams tank assembly line
Abrams tank assembly line
Images source: © Lima Tank Plant
Łukasz Michalik

The M1A2SEPv3 tanks, including those produced for Poland, which leave the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center production line, are labelled as new. Although their lifespan (mileage) is zero, they essentially contain elements manufactured even decades ago, such as old hulls.

Old parts, like the hulls, are supplemented with new armour modules only on the production line. These are then used as new components in the assembly process of the new tanks.

The increase in international tension has made Americans recognize the need to end the current practice, which made the delivery of new primary tanks dependent on the availability of old components.

For this reason, the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center production facility received significant funding to expand its production base, enabling it to produce entirely new tanks, such as the M1A2SEPv3 and, in the future, the next development version, M1A3.

As noted by Defence24, funding for the American tank factory aims to resume Abrams production and produce other armoured vehicles. The facility will begin producing, among other things, the light M10 Booker tank and the new version of the wheeled Stryker transporter.

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