LifestyleBanishing dust mites: A simple, natural method to protect your home

Banishing dust mites: A simple, natural method to protect your home

Dust mites, carpet beetles, or maybe silverfish? Regardless of what you call them, there’s no denying that as soon as we see them in our homes, we want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. What’s the best way to do this? We have a simple and proven method.

How to get rid of dust mites?
How to get rid of dust mites?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Although they are small in size, they can cause enormous damage to our home. As soon as you notice their presence, you must immediately remove them. Contrary to appearances, it is not all that difficult.

What do dust mites feed on?

The species we can encounter in the UK are usually light-coloured and like to feed in groups. Their long, distinctive snouts often recognise them. Unfortunately, their small size, with a maximum length of nearly 5 mm, makes it hard to spot them immediately when they appear.

Dust mites love moist places, so it’s no wonder they can most often be found in forests, tree bark, meadows, and basements. If our home is surrounded by lush vegetation or in waterlogged areas, there is a high risk of these creatures appearing in our bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, and even living room.

These pests feed on paper, so they can often be found in books and food scraps. Mould is also one of their favourite foods.

It’s worth noting that carpet beetles are not dangerous for humans or animals. They can cause various allergic reactions in us.

How to get rid of dust mites?

As soon as we notice that dust mites have made themselves at home in our house, it’s important to do a thorough cleaning. We should not forget about any nook and cranny.

We will need water, vinegar, and a few drops of citrus essential oil. This energetic scent is extremely irritating to dust mites. These creatures should quickly leave our homes after cleaning surfaces with such a mixture.

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