LifestyleBanishing Voles from your garden: A cost-effective and humane approach

Banishing Voles from your garden: A cost-effective and humane approach

The damage that voles can cause to a garden can be accurately compared with that caused by moles, towards which, as is well known, gardeners hold a significant antipathy. Much like moles, voles can inflict serious damage on your garden overnight. So, the question is – how can we get rid of voles from the garden?

How to get rid of moles from the garden?
How to get rid of moles from the garden?
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Why are voles classed as pests?

Voles are small pests that resemble large hamsters. Additionally, they are covered with brown-red fur, hence they can appear quite charming at first. Regrettably, these creatures are far from pleasant, especially when they find their way into a garden. Once there, their destructive nature soon comes to the forefront.

Unlike other rodents, voles do not hibernate, so they can inflict damage to your garden throughout the year. Similar to the previously mentioned moles, voles move through a network of tunnels which they dig themselves. The construction of these tunnels can destroy the root systems of various plants, commonly resulting in their demise.

How to get rid of voles from your garden. It's affordable and humane

Voles feed on fruits, plants and seeds. Occasionally, they may also consume green stalks, thereby destroying the plants in entirety. Their presence in a garden invariably spells trouble. However, there is a method which can effectively deter voles from your garden. Not only is it cost-effective, it is also humane - it will not harm the voles in any way.

Voles are deterred by capsaicin, which is found in chilli peppers. If you wish to rid your garden of voles, simply sprinkle the tunnels they've dug with chilli pepper. You'll find it in the spices section of any store, or you could try preparing sprays for the tunnels, trees, and shrubs. How can you make it? Mix chilli pepper with about 2 pints of water and transfer the mixture into a sprayer. Spray the entrances to the tunnels as well as the bushes and trees that may attract the voles. The smell of capsaicin will effectively drive the pests away.

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