TechBattle stains: Lemon tricks for microwaving clean and fresh

Battle stains: Lemon tricks for microwaving clean and fresh

Many people appreciate microwave ovens for quickly heating meals without waiting or engaging in demanding culinary techniques. However, to use a microwave safely, it's important to remember to clean it regularly. This can be done simply.

How to remove stains from a microwave?
How to remove stains from a microwave?
Images source: © Getty Images | phanasitti

Although it would be ideal to clean the microwave after each use, the fast pace of life often makes this impossible. It's worth knowing that even stubborn stains can be removed with lemon, which, thanks to its acid content, has antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

A simple way to clean the microwave

Using lemon helps eliminate bacteria and effectively deals with mould and rust. If you want to clean the microwave thoroughly, follow the tips below.

What's the best way to clean a microwave?
What's the best way to clean a microwave?© Getty Images | Aleksandr Potashev

How to effectively clean a microwave with home methods?

  1. Slice the lemon and remove the seeds.
  2. Place the slices in a heat-resistant dish and add some warm water.
  3. Begin the heating process in the microwave, setting it to the highest temperature for about 2 minutes. The lemon's steam will spread through the device, filling the kitchen with a pleasant, fresh aroma.
  4. After it finishes, carefully remove the dish. The water should now be light yellow and very hot.

Wipe the inside of the microwave using a damp cloth, which will be much easier, even with dried-on stains, thanks to the lemon steam.

An advantage of this method is also the removal of unpleasant odours. After such cleaning, the microwave will have a pleasant lemon scent.

Alternative method for a dirty microwave

For those looking for other methods, baking soda can also be helpful. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda with a small amount of water to create a paste. Clean the inside of the microwave with this paste in the evening and wipe it with a damp cloth in the morning. Although this method requires more time, it brings equally good results.

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