LifestyleBattling norms: New Zealand baby born with rare 'unicorn horn'

Battling norms: New Zealand baby born with rare 'unicorn horn'

In New Zealand a few months ago, a baby girl was born with an unusual birthmark on her forehead. The parents of little Lulu Burt call the birthmark a "unicorn horn," though they have no plans to remove it. This condition is quite rare.

Claire Burt gave birth to a unique baby. Lulu has a birthmark on her forehead.
Claire Burt gave birth to a unique baby. Lulu has a birthmark on her forehead.
Images source: © Instagram | life_of_a_binge_eater_

Lulu was born in September 2023 in New Zealand via cesarean section. Her unique birthmark, affectionately termed a "unicorn horn" by her parents, represents a rare condition. Naturally, it bears no actual relation to unicorns.

It is diagnosed as a congenital melanocytic nevus, which occurs in one out of every 50,000 births, as Claire Burt shared on her Instagram. The mother also acknowledged a risk that the birthmark could evolve into melanoma over time, although this is unlikely in Lulu’s case. Nevertheless, diligent care and routine examinations by specialists are crucial.

Child with a "unicorn horn." Claire Burt discusses public reactions

The girl’s mother is quite active on social media, with nearly 40,000 followers on her Instagram. She regularly shares photos and videos of her daughter.

“People always stare at her when we're outside. Some think it's cute, others ask what it is, and some laugh,” Claire Burt mentioned in an interview with the British website "The Sun".

The girl's mother confronts negativity

Claire Burt has also spoken about dealing with derogatory comments online. Some internet users mock her child’s appearance and suggest removing the birthmark. Yet, she opposes such advice and would only consider removal if it becomes medically necessary. “It drives me insane, but I am determined to raise awareness about Lulu. We will ensure she grows up knowing how beautiful and unique she is,” she stated in an interview with "The Mirror".

Claire hopes her daughter will grow to be proud of her body.

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