Belarus bolsters defence with new Russian Tor‑M2K delivery
The armed forces of the Republic of Belarus have received a shipment of military equipment. They have received another, specifically the seventh battery of Russian Tor-M2K air defence systems. We explain the capabilities of this weapon.
The information about receiving the valuable equipment from Russia was reported in an official announcement by the Belarusian Ministry of Defence. A few photos confirming the arrival of the transport with the components of the Tor-M2K air defence system battery in Belarus have also been circulated online.
The Tor-M2K battery has arrived in Belarus
The group monitoring military activity, Belarusian Hajun, reports that the new equipment may be added to the 15th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade's arsenal. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian portal Militarnyj explains that the Tor-M2K air defence system battery consists of four 9A331MK combat vehicles, a transport-loading vehicle, and a support vehicle.
On the pages of Militarnyj, it was also noted that the Belarusian version of the Tor-M2K uses a chassis developed and produced by the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant, a Belarusian manufacturer of heavy vehicles.
Tor-M2K air defence system
Regarding the combat capabilities of this complex, the Tor-M2K is an anti-aircraft system designed to destroy aeroplanes, helicopters, and other aerial vehicles, as well as missiles flying at medium and low altitudes. Most commonly, 9M9331 missiles with a range of about 11 kilometres are used here.
The Belarusian Ministry of Defence stated in a communiqué that "the systems can simultaneously hit 16 targets operating from any direction at a speed of up to 730 m/s, at a range of up to 12 km and an altitude of up to 10 km, both day and night, in any weather conditions."
Belarus is systematically strengthening its army with such air defence systems. The seventh battery, which has now arrived from Russia, was reportedly developed considering the experiences Russians have gained from the war in Ukraine. However, no further details about this have been provided.