LifestyleBill Clinton at 78: Legacy of success, scandal, and resilience

Bill Clinton at 78: Legacy of success, scandal, and resilience

Bill Clinton celebrates his 78th birthday on 19 August. He made history not only as the 42nd President of the United States but also because of his affair and the infamous scandal. His wife, Hillary, stood by him.

Bill Clinton met Monika Lewinsky in the White House.
Bill Clinton met Monika Lewinsky in the White House.
Images source: © Getty Images

Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham met at Yale University, where both studied law. Clinton was intrigued by his future wife's confidence. Their relationship strengthened during a joint trip across the USA when they supported George McGovern's presidential campaign.

Although Clinton proposed in 1973, she turned him down. She accepted the proposal only after they found a house together in Arkansas. Two years later, the wedding took place in their living room, with only 15 guests attending, although the garden reception gathered over 100 people.

She supported him in his political career

Bill's political career developed quickly. He became the Attorney General of Arkansas in 1976, and two years later, at about thirty, he became the state's youngest governor. Hillary Clinton supported her beloved during this time, and their daughter Chelsea was born soon after.

In 1992, he fulfilled his dream of becoming president, and his wife became the First Lady of the USA. Soon, the ideal image of a happy marriage crumbled. In 1994, Paula Jones accused Clinton of harassment, but the matter ended in a settlement. The biggest crisis was yet to come. A few years later, the whole world heard the name Lewinsky and learned about the "zippergate" scandal.

"Zippergate" could have ruined everything

Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year-old White House intern, was publicised by American media, and 20 hours later, investigators accessed the young woman's recorded conversations with her friend. These events caused an international scandal.

"But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky," the US president assured, and his statement has since gone down in history.

Despite the loud affair, Clinton remained president, but his marriage with Hillary went through a severe crisis. Initially, his beloved defended him but later admitted she was furious and disappointed by his betrayal. Despite the crisis, the couple decided to fight for their marriage. After his presidency ended in 2001, the Clintons moved to Chappaqua, New York.

Role reversal

After his presidency, Bill devoted himself to charitable work, while Hillary continued her political career. In 2001, she assumed the New York State Senator position, which she held for eight years. She then ran for the office of US president in 2015 but lost to Donald Trump.

Despite her successes and the passage of time, her husband's affair continued to resurface. In her 2003 autobiography, Hillary openly addressed the scandal. She admitted she was unsure whether their marriage should or could survive such a betrayal. She emphasized that she needed time to work through her emotions. She described the decision to stay in the relationship as the hardest one of her life. Despite adversity, their marriage has lasted 49 years and seems more vital than ever.

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