LifestyleBlueberry pierogi: Unlocking the secret to a perfect summer treat

Blueberry pierogi: Unlocking the secret to a perfect summer treat

Many Poles enjoy blueberry pierogi as a taste of summer. Delicate dough, delicious fruity filling, sour cream, and a bit of sugar—what more could you want? It turns out that adding one more inexpensive ingredient inside will make the pierogi even better.

How to make pierogi with blueberries?
How to make pierogi with blueberries?
Images source: © East News | Beata Zawrzel, REPORTER
Dominika Frydrych

Blueberry pierogi are most often associated with Polish grandma's summer kitchen. They're one of the favourite treats of Poles, enjoyed in the summer—right alongside strawberry pierogi, new potatoes with dill and kefir, green beans with breadcrumbs, beet soup, or fruit soup.

Although it may seem that fruit pierogi are laborious to make, they're neither difficult nor complicated. Perfecting the filling simply requires knowing a few basic rules and one trick. We don't have to buy a ready-made product—making them by hand will make them taste even better.

Recipe for blueberry pierogi. Add to the filling

How to make blueberry pierogi? The simplest recipe for the dough includes just two ingredients: 450 grams of wheat flour and about 180 millilitres of warm water. Gradually add water to the flour and knead until the dough is elastic. Then let it rest for 15 minutes, divide it into several smaller portions, and roll it out to a thickness of about 1.5 millimetres. Use a glass or cutter to cut out circles from the dough.

The filling for blueberry pierogi is not just fruit. To 720 millilitres of blueberries, add four tablespoons of powdered sugar and a lesser-known ingredient—two tablespoons of potato starch. This will help bind the juice from the fruit, prevent it from leaking out, and enhance the blueberry flavour.

Blueberry pierogi - how to serve them?

How should you serve blueberry pierogi? The classic option works best here—sour cream and sugar. However, we can try whipped cream, homogenised cheese, skyr, or yoghurt. Another good idea is to sprinkle blueberries on top or blend them into a sauce and pour it over the pierogi.

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