LifestyleCombating the unseen: A fragrant, effective method to rid your home of silverfish

Combating the unseen: A fragrant, effective method to rid your home of silverfish

Also known as bristletails, silverfish are insects that naturally inhabit humid, warm, and dark environments — they particularly favour our bathrooms. They are often found in apartment buildings, notably those with inadequate ventilation.

Fish are not dangerous to humans.
Fish are not dangerous to humans.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Want to get rid of silverfish? Learn this effective and pleasantly fragrant method

Silverfish are attracted to products high in sugar and starch. If needed, they can survive off remnants of dead insects, rotting leaves, mould, and cellulose paper. However, scarcity of food isn't an issue, as silverfish can survive without food for up to a year.

Want to rid your apartment of silverfish? Begin by cleaning meticulously, with a particular focus on vacuuming. Silverfish making a home in your bathroom suggests the humidity is too high. Although removing all moisture from a bathroom is impossible, it can be reduced. Remember to wipe your floors thoroughly after each bath, especially the corners. An hour-long ventilation after using the shower or tub is beneficial.

Silverfish are lured by dark, damp and steamy environments. The likelihood of silverfish residing in your bathroom can be reduced by maintaining good ventilation and cooler temperatures. Having said that, this is not a foolproof solution. For a more effective method that's health-safe and pleasant-smelling, take a cue from our grandmothers.

Silverfish are repelled by the smell of lavender. To drive these pests out of your kitchen or bathroom, prepare a homemade lavender-scented spray. You will need essential lavender oil (fragrance oils aren’t effective), water, and lemon juice. Add 1 cup of water and 15 drops of essential lavender oil to a spray bottle, then squeeze juice from an entire lemon. Shake the bottle well and mist it over the infested areas. The lovely lavender scent will fill your bathroom, and the silverfish will promptly leave.

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