EntertainmentCorey Feldman exposes the dark side of 1980s Hollywood

Corey Feldman exposes the dark side of 1980s Hollywood

In the 1980s, alongside prominent Hollywood stars, young actors appearing in hit teen movies also enjoyed substantial popularity. One such actor was Corey Feldman, who, in his latest interview, reminisced about the traumatic events during his time on film sets.

Corey Feldman in the film "Goonies"
Corey Feldman in the film "Goonies"
Images source: © Press materials

Corey Feldman was born on July 16, 1971. The actor is thus celebrating his 53rd birthday. He has recently appeared in films, but his "golden years" in Hollywood are long past. He was a star when he was just a teenager. Thanks to films like "Gremlins," "The Goonies," "Stand by Me," "The Lost Boys," and "License to Drive," he was known almost worldwide.

In 2013 a high-profile interview, Corey Feldman revealed that in the 1980s, the career of child stars had a very dark side. The actor spoke about people connected to show business who wielded power in the "dream factory." He spoke about the sexual abuse of which he was a victim and the widespread paedophilia on film sets.

He recalled that his friend from the set, Corey Haim, told him how "a certain adult convinced him that it was completely normal for older men to have sex with younger boys, that this is something all guys do." The 14-year-old was exploited and agreed to have sexual intercourse at that time (Haim died in 2010, having struggled with drug addiction).

"There are people who did this to both me and Corey, who are still working, still there, and still some of the richest and most powerful people in this business," Feldman claimed.

In the latest interview, the actor admitted that that conversation did not go as he had hoped, and he was surprised by the reporter's reaction to his story about abuse in Hollywood. He reportedly heard: "You are hurting the entire industry." "I only wanted to warn the parents of child actors not to chase Hollywood dreams naively" – claimed Corey Feldman.

Corey Feldman with his wife Courtney Anne Mitchell (the couple are currently separated)
Corey Feldman with his wife Courtney Anne Mitchell (the couple are currently separated)© East News | Invision

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