EntertainmentDiscover 9 science-backed ways to embrace relaxation today

Discover 9 science-backed ways to embrace relaxation today

November 14th marks Loosen Up and Lighten Up Day. We are pleased to present nine scientifically proven, effective, and free methods to help you relax.

Discover 9 science-backed ways to embrace relaxation today
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World Loosen Up and Lighten Up Day (LULU) was established by lawyer and author Stephanie West Allen in the early 21st century. Celebrated on November 14th, this "holiday" reminds people of the benefits of joy and laughter. To welcome joy into our lives, we must take a moment to pause and unwind. We've compiled nine scientifically proven techniques to alleviate the tension accumulating in our fast-paced lives.

Meditation as a guarantee of a peaceful mind

Harvard Health defines meditation as follows: "This practice involves sitting comfortably, focusing on your breathing, and turning your mind's attention to the present moment, without dwelling on the past or future." Numerous studies have confirmed that regular meditation helps to manage anxiety and depression and even alleviates pain. However, for many people, regular meditation seems "too difficult." They often say they can't focus or can't "quiet" negative thoughts. Meditation is a skill that can be learned. Like any other activity, with regular practice, we improve over time. There are also many other "easier" methods to help us relax. 

Deep breathing switches to relaxation mode

Our nervous system comprises two parts. One part is responsible for the activity, alertness, and readiness for action, while the other "handles" relaxation and energy-saving states. In today's fast-paced, stimulus-rich lifestyle, we often operate in active mode for an unnatural amount of time. Unsurprisingly, this negatively affects our energy levels, both physically and mentally. Thankfully, we all have access to a "switch" that helps us enter "energy-saving mode." Deep breathing slows down the nervous system. Just five minutes of slow, calm breathing can effectively relieve tension.

Stop everything and start kissing

Research indicates that kissing effectively reduces cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that, when present in the body for too long, not only harms our mental state but also disrupts the functioning of our digestive and immune systems. Frequent kissing is beneficial, especially during autumn and winter.

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Hug a dog (or cat)

Actively spending time with a pet is a research-backed relaxation and stress reduction method. This activity could involve walking in the park or petting them on the sofa. The key is to focus on your relationship with your four-legged friend.

Contact with nature is essential

We've previously discussed how, in Japan, patients suffering from burnout are prescribed forest walks. Contact with nature significantly impacts our mental and physical resilience. Returning to a naturally balanced environment in terms of light, humidity, smells, sounds, and textures helps reset our bodies to "factory settings." Of course, this rests on not getting preoccupied with creating social media content or constantly checking our phones while in nature.

Physical activity is fundamental

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining physical health. Just 10 minutes of vigorous exercise prompts the brain to release endorphins, neurotransmitters responsible for well-being and pain reduction. According to Harvard Health, "The relaxed body will, in turn, send signals of calm and control that help reduce mental tension."

Tai Chi, yoga, and qigong facilitate mindfulness

These ancient arts combine rhythmic breathing with poses or fluid movements. The sequences of precise movements offer mental focus, which can help divert attention from racing thoughts and allow us to "just be here and now." They also improve body flexibility and balance. They're an excellent choice for those who dislike intense exercise or need to avoid more vigorous activities for various reasons.

Music eases tension

Researchers have established that music can have an immediate calming effect on our minds and bodies. Just 20 minutes of a favourite playlist can reduce anxiety, heart rate, and blood pressure. If we sing along, the brain releases endorphins and oxytocin, which lift the mood. Interestingly, the most potent psychological benefit comes from singing together with others. Studies conducted on choir members demonstrate this effect, but anyone who's attended a favourite artist's concert knows its power.

Laughter is truly medicine

Returning to the essence of Loosen Up and Lighten Up Day, it's clear that laughter truly benefits us. According to the NeuroLeadership portal: "Laughing swaps the cortisol in our bloodstream with highly sought after chemicals in the brain: dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins. Dopamine can enhance learning, motivation, and attention." From a psychological perspective, recognising the humorous aspects of a challenging situation helps us create the distance needed to cope with adversities.

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