NewsDrone mystery disrupts New York airport, governor demands action

Drone mystery disrupts New York airport, governor demands action

The runways at Stewart International Airport in New York were closed on Friday evening, reported Governor Kathy Hochul, due to the activity of mysterious drones.

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Illustrative photo
Images source: © Getty Images | Michael M. Santiago
Paulina Ciesielska

"This has gone too far," emphasised New York Governor Kathy Hochul in a statement on Saturday. "Last night, the runways at Stewart Airfield were shut down for approximately one hour due to drone activity in the airspace," she reported.

The New York State Police stated that they received "numerous reports of drone sightings over the past 24 hours". They emphasised, however, that there is "no evidence at this time that any of the reported sightings pose a public safety threat". The FBI issued a similar statement, reassuring state residents.

The Governor of New York called on Congress to pass legislation that would enhance the Federal Aviation Administration's oversight of drones.

The number of reports concerning unidentified drone sightings over American facilities has been increasing since November. Mysterious drones are flying over New Jersey and New York (including the shores of Staten Island, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and near LaGuardia Airport in Queens).

Despite numerous appeals from politicians, the White House and the Pentagon assure that there is no evidence of foreign involvement in the matter.

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