LifestyleEffective bedbug remedies: Diatomaceous earth and beyond

Effective bedbug remedies: Diatomaceous earth and beyond

Bedbugs in a flat can become a nightmare for its residents. These small parasites feed on blood and can survive in the most challenging conditions. How can you effectively get rid of them?

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Bedbugs are small insects that can significantly complicate life. These parasites feed on human blood, leaving painful bites. They often hide in hard-to-reach places, such as mattresses, curtains, or carpets. They are active throughout the year and are difficult to eradicate once they multiply.

When should you start worrying? As soon as you notice the first signs of their presence. Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene at home is crucial. But what can you do to effectively get rid of them?

Diatomaceous earth – a natural enemy of bedbugs

One of the best ways to combat bedbugs is by using diatomaceous earth. It was known even in ancient times as an effective tool in fighting various insects. Diatomaceous earth should be sprinkled in places where bedbugs may hide – around mattresses, in floor cracks, or behind furniture.

Why does it work? This earth consists of microscopic silicon dioxide particles that damage the insect's exoskeleton, leading to dehydration and death. It's important to remember that this process may take time, and one application may not always be enough – it’s worth repeating to achieve the desired effects.

Other methods to combat bedbugs

It's recommended to thoroughly vacuum areas suspected of insect presence, wash bedding at a high temperature, and use specialised chemical agents available in shops.

However, when home methods fail, you can always seek help from professionals. Professional pest control companies have the tools and means to permanently eliminate the bedbug problem.

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