FoodElevate your brunch: Cottage cheese terrine with a twist

Elevate your brunch: Cottage cheese terrine with a twist

Cottage cheese for breakfast is nothing new. However, in this form, it is certainly less well-known. It looks so elegant that it can also be served as a starter. A cottage cheese terrine will undoubtedly impress your guests.

Cottage cheese is also suitable for an elegant starter.
Cottage cheese is also suitable for an elegant starter.
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Photographer:Edyta Guhl

What healthy food can be eaten for breakfast or supper? One of the most common answers is definitely cottage cheese, which is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and calcium.

Cottage cheese is ideal for breakfast

Simply slice the cottage cheese, put it on slices of bread, and a delicious breakfast is ready. Good additions to such sandwiches include honey or homemade preserves. You can also mix it with yoghurt or cream, then add finely chopped chives and radishes. There are numerous ways, and surely everyone has their favourite. A cottage cheese terrine is definitely less known.

Terrine - what kind of dish is it?

Terrine is a dish from French cuisine, with its name referring to its elongated shape. Initially, it was prepared with meat, but now it can also be based on fish or vegetables. There's nothing to stop you from making a terrine with cottage cheese as well. The best choice would be full-fat or semi-fat cottage cheese. You can also use cheese similar to that used for cheesecake.

Cottage cheese in an elegant version

This starter allows for culinary creativity. You can add your favourite ingredients to the cottage cheese to create the best composition. To ensure the dish holds its elegant form, gelatine will be needed. At this time of year, when everyone longs for spring, it's worth opting for green ingredients. Cranberries and nuts would also complement it perfectly.

Cottage Cheese Terrine


  • 600 grams of semi-fat or full-fat cottage cheese,
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt (or optionally cream),
  • several radishes,
  • a handful of cranberries,
  • a few sprigs of chives and dill,
  • finely chopped hazelnuts or walnuts,
  • 3.5 teaspoons of gelatine,
  • salt, pepper, and paprika to taste.

Preparation method:

  1. Soak the gelatine in 4 tablespoons of cold water, heat until dissolved, and let it cool.
  2. Crush the cottage cheese with a fork or blend it, and mix with natural yoghurt or cream. Mix well.
  3. Clean, rinse, and dry the radishes, then grate them.
  4. Rinse, dry, and finely chop the herbs.
  5. Chop the nuts and cranberries as well.
  6. Mix the cottage cheese with the additional ingredients and seasonings. Combine with the dissolved gelatine.
  7. Transfer the prepared mixture into an elongated mould lined with plastic wrap. Smooth the surface of the terrine.
  8. Cover the mould with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours.
  9. Place the whole terrine on a large plate. Decorate it with herbs, slice, and serve with fresh bread.

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