NewsElon Musk steps in to resolve Tesla's pie order fallout with San Jose bakery

Elon Musk steps in to resolve Tesla's pie order fallout with San Jose bakery

A small bakery in San Jose, California, "The Giving Pies Cafe," received a payment from Elon Musk. The Tesla owner had to save the company's reputation after an unfortunate situation came to light. One of the company's employees first placed a massive order, only to cancel it at the last minute.

Elon Musk saves Tesla's good name. In the background, a scandal with an unpaid bill.
Elon Musk saves Tesla's good name. In the background, a scandal with an unpaid bill.
Images source: © Facebook, Instagram, Wikipedia
Bartłomiej Nowak

The matter became media fodder after Voahangy Rasetarinera shared her story on social media. The owner of "The Giving Pies Cafe" received an order from a Tesla employee for 2,000 pies.

Later, the same employee doubled the order. The enterprising bakery owner stopped accepting other orders to focus her entire team on baking pies for Tesla.

The bakery owner wasn't worried about payment. She was confident that a serious company like Tesla would pay everything upon receipt. The disappointment was immense when the employee informed her of the order cancellation via text message.

Unfortunately, it looks like we are changing plans and will not need this order. Thank you very much for your support, I appreciate it - was the message to the bakery owner.

Nobody hastened to settle the bill for the pies that were ready. The Tesla employees assumed that it was not a significant issue.

The confusion erupted after a post in which the owner described the entire situation was shared. In two days, the bakery welcomed over three hundred customers. People from across the country spontaneously made donations. The owner talks about the money and kind words coming from as far as Sweden and the Netherlands.

The media stir and negative comments directed at Tesla were addressed by Elon Musk himself. He promised that the matter would be resolved. Soon, one of Tesla's employees contacted the bakery, and Musk paid for the order. Tesla employees also requested the preparation of catering for an upcoming company event.

Unfortunately, I cannot handle the catering because, with all the publicity we've received, we've run out of cookies and we also have to prepare for Pi Day (March 14 - editor's note), so no way - she said with a laugh.

Rasetarinera said she is not vindictive and is ready to collaborate with Tesla again in the future.

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