TechElusive oarfish captured on film by Taiwanese divers

Elusive oarfish captured on film by Taiwanese divers

Divers spotted an unusual fish off the coast of Taiwan. While this creature is native to the region, it typically remains hidden in deeper waters. However, the fish, measuring approximately six and a half feet long, ventured into shallower waters, allowing divers to film the rare encounter.

The big fish was about 2 metres long.
The big fish was about 2 metres long.
Images source: © Instagram | Wang Cheng-ru
Karolina Modzelewska

In July 2023, diving instructor Wang Cheng-ru came across a peculiar fish near the Ruifang district of New Taipei City, Taiwan. The unusual creature was an oarfish (Regalecus glesne).

An unusual encounter off the coast of Taiwan

Local residents of Taiwan believe that this rare deep-sea fish appears only under certain circumstances, such as before or shortly after an earthquake. As a result, they often view it as a portent of impending misfortune. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this notion.

According to the diver, the fish in the video did not surface due to any forthcoming disaster. The fish bore numerous circular injuries, most likely caused by a shark attack. In Cheng-ru’s opinion, the fish was weakened, so it appeared in an area not typical of its usual habitat.

Wang Cheng-ru and his fellow divers were surprised by the creature's presence. They successfully captured the moment on film, where the fish appeared stationary in the water, seemingly unfazed. Typically, these animals inhabit depths between approximately 650 and 3600 feet.

Attention should be given to the fish's movement. Its back forms a long fin that undulates rhythmically, allowing the creature to remain still, a behaviour visible in the recording. Though these fish generally reach about 25 feet, there have been reports of specimens growing up to 50 feet.

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