NewsEstonia foils Russian plot: Activist jailed for hybrid attack

Estonia foils Russian plot: Activist jailed for hybrid attack

The court has sentenced a pro-Russian activist to six and a half years in prison for vandalising the car belonging to the head of Estonia's Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to investigators, the man was in contact with individuals acting on the orders of the Russian GRU, and the purpose of this hybrid operation was to "sow fear and create tension in Estonian society."

The verdict was passed in the case of the minister's car vandalism.
The verdict was passed in the case of the minister's car vandalism.
Images source: © X | Estońska Służba Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
Justyna Lasota-Krawczyk

It was proven in court that 47-year-old Allan Hantsom established relations with people acting in the interest and under the orders of the Russian military intelligence, GRU.

- The man was planning and preparing attacks against property in Estonia - said prosecutor Triinu Olev-Aas at a conference. She revealed that a sum of approximately £8,300 was promised for the car destruction. - However, the money was never delivered – she added.

Organised action by Russian services

Estonian intelligence identified a total of 10 individuals associated with the operation. According to investigators, the purpose of this hybrid operation was to "sow fear and create tension in society".

The windows of the personal car belonging to the Minister of the Interior, Lauri Laanemets, were smashed at the beginning of December last year. On the same day, the car of the editor of the Russian-language version of one of the main national news portals was also vandalised.

Planned further attacks

The court in Tallinn issued a verdict in this case in the spring of this year. The Director of the Estonian Intelligence Agency, KAPO, Margo Palloson, admitted that further attacks on the property of other public figures were planned but were thwarted thanks to Hantsom's arrest. Previously, he was actively involved in pro-Russian circles and engaged in anti-NATO campaigns.

The case also involved men currently residing in Russia, who, on behalf of the GRU, planned and organised attacks on monuments in Estonia. The prosecution and KAPO simultaneously appealed to residents to report to authorities any information about various orders or plans for sabotage actions.

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