EntertainmentExpelled: Internet detectives unmask Australian teenager behind disruptive milk prank

Expelled: Internet detectives unmask Australian teenager behind disruptive milk prank

The events transpired during what was supposed to be an enjoyable birthday trip. Veronica Burgess and her friends set sail on a private boat along the Yarra River, with beautiful scenic views and a snack table, a birthday gift for one of the party on the GoBoat, when their adventure was interrupted by a mischievous teenager on one of the bridges in Sydney.

The teenager was expelled from school for spilling milk.
The teenager was expelled from school for spilling milk.
Images source: © Canva | canva

A revolting shock from nowhere

In videos shared by both Burgess and the teenager, he is visibly seen pouring a bottle of milk onto the boat. The incident would potentially have been less problematic had the boat been covered. Prior to the prank, the boy had asked the ladies if they wanted some milk. Despite their emphatic refusals, he proceeded to pour out the entire bottle on them.

The video by Burgess, uploaded on TikTok, has been viewed in excess of 33 million times. Her caption read: "I would love to find the kid who ruined our day; Go Boat thoughtfully granted us a trip the following day". Internet users joined the conversation, and it didn't take long for them to transition into TikTok detectives, eventually leading to the prankster's discovery.

Identity of milk prankster ascertained

The investigation was swift, aided by the fact that the teenager had posted a video of the whole affair on his TikTok. The video shows the prank was premeditated, much to the teenager's amusement. The ensuing investigations led the TikTok detectives to the 16 year-old's prestigious school, Melbourne Grammar School.

Response from prestigious school authorities

The school, well-renowned and elite, outlines its ethos on its website: "Melbourne Grammar School is one of the leading independent schools in Australia, with a tradition of excellence that spans more than 160 years. Our belief is in holistic development of youngsters: intellectually, physically, emotionally, psychologically, socially and spiritually. Our culture is community-focused, celebrating both effort and achievements of students. We are further enriched by our committed staff and parents, our graduates' knowledge and experiences, and the depth of our relations with the broader communities around us".

The prestige of the school comes with hefty tuition fees. Annual fees range from £15,427 to £20,671, depending on academic performance. The school authorities have decided to suspend the prankster's student rights.

The Principal of Melbourne Grammar School, Philip Grutzner, during an interview with local media, emphasised that the boy's actions were beyond unacceptable: "We are firm believers that such behaviour is thoroughly unacceptable. Despite the incident occurring off-campus, there was no hesitation in our response. Our striving aim is to teach our students the significance of caring and respect towards others. They should understand they are accountable for their actions."

The teenager, clearly unimpressed with the internet detectives’ findings, released a TikTok video stating: "Please cease contacting my school; they have caught me, and I will be expelled. I can’t believe this has happened to a minor". The teenager directly addressed Burgess, accusing her for his current predicaments: "Why did you do this to me? Ruining one day of yours has ended up ruining my entire life. You went too far. I'm just a kid and my life is ruined. You went way over the line."

Clearly, the teenager didn't anticipate that his actions could damage items onboard, such as clothing, jewellery, bags, or electronic devices. Besides ruining a birthday celebration, his prank was potentially very costly. His punishment seems fitting, considering his actions.

The teenager begs for mercy.
The teenager begs for mercy.© TikTok | GiddyNoKiddy

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