FoodExplore the health benefits of pickled salad accompaniments

Explore the health benefits of pickled salad accompaniments

When paired with a traditional pork chop, nothing complements it quite like a fresh and crunchy side dish. Typically, it comes down to sauerkraut or fresh coleslaw. To break the routine, it's worth exploring the contents of your fridge. You're likely to find some pickles, onion, and carrots. Perhaps you could add an apple and a red pepper? The choice of additional ingredients is limited only by your imagination.

Add colourful vegetables to the light pickled cucumber salad.
Add colourful vegetables to the light pickled cucumber salad.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

A salad with pickles is a simple combination centred around pleasantly crunchy vegetables. In a richer version, it may include various colourful ingredients, but the basic mix with olive oil and parsley is equally delicious. This accompaniment for lunch is a much healthier and lighter alternative to popular salads with sour cream and mayonnaise.

Nutritional values of fermented foods

Pickles are a real treasure of health benefits, mainly due to their unique probiotic properties. The fermentation process transforms vegetables into an easily digestible source of vitamin C and B vitamins. Organic acids present in fermented foods, such as lactic acid, support gut health and enhance the body's immunity.

Fermented cucumbers or sauerkraut also contain a significant amount of dietary fibre. This component supports proper bowel function and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Furthermore, sauerkraut contains very few calories, which is advantageous for those mindful of their figure.

Consuming fermented foods can help reduce inflammation in the body, thanks to their antioxidant properties. Moreover, due to the minerals they contain, such as iron and magnesium, pickles support the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems. Regular consumption can also help maintain appropriate cholesterol levels, which is crucial for heart health.

Recipe for salad with pickles

You might add a pinch of sugar to the salad to slightly mellow the robust flavour of olive oil.


  • 450 grams of pickles,
  • 1 red onion,
  • a handful of parsley,
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil,
  • freshly ground pepper to taste,
  • optional: red pepper, carrot, apple.


  1. Slice the pickles into rounds, cut the onion into thin wedges, and finely chop the parsley.
  2. If desired, add diced red pepper and grated carrot and apple.
  3. Toss the salad with olive oil and season with freshly ground pepper.

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