TechF-35 outmatches Russian S-300 in Iran: Israel asserts air dominance

F‑35 outmatches Russian S‑300 in Iran: Israel asserts air dominance

Israeli retaliatory strikes against Iran provided an opportunity for confrontation between Russian S-300 anti-aircraft systems and F-35 aircraft. The Russian weaponry proved completely ineffective in this scenario.

Israeli F-35I
Israeli F-35I
Images source: © Licensor
Łukasz Michalik

Israeli aircraft – in the F-35I Adir variant – effectively penetrated Iranian airspace and carried out missions over the country. It is unclear whether there was a direct attack by the F-35 on the S-300, but according to Israeli sources, the Iranian anti-aircraft systems were destroyed.

Among the targets of the Israeli attack, which involved, among others, F-35I aircraft, were four batteries of the S-300PM2 anti-aircraft system. This was the most dangerous component of Iran's air defence umbrella, allowing for area defence.

The S-300PM2, representing the pinnacle of evolution for the S-300P system, allows for the destruction of ballistic missiles (including not only short-range but also medium-range missiles), as well as other aerial targets at a distance of up to 240 kilometres (150 miles).

Until recently, the S-300PM2 systems were considered the most effective anti-aircraft weapon in Tehran's arsenal. Their destruction represents a significant gap in Iran's anti-aircraft capabilities and, as noted by Defence24, makes future Israeli attacks on the country easier.

F-35I Adir - the Israeli variant of the F-35A

The F-35I Adir is an Israeli variant of the F-35 aircraft. Compared to the version used by all other users worldwide, the Adir has modified avionics utilising local components, enhanced electronic warfare and drone combat capabilities, and the ability to carry Israeli weaponry. The aircraft also has an increased range, allowing it to operate more than 1,000 kilometres (620 miles) from its own borders.

The attack on Iran is another instance of confrontation between U.S.-developed aircraft and Russian anti-aircraft systems. Previously, this occurred in Syria, where Israeli Adirs – similarly to over Iran – performed missions even over the heavily defended capital, Damascus.

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