Farmer protests demand Polish-German border closure over FMD fears
Farmers are demanding the closure of the border with Germany for animal transport due to the threat of foot-and-mouth disease. On Monday, they protested at four points along the German border.
Farmers protested at the border with Germany, demanding a ban on transporting animals. They fear foot-and-mouth disease, which poses a threat to Polish livestock.
In Germany, the first three cases of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in 37 years have been confirmed—a highly contagious viral animal disease. Veterinary services in Poland have been put on alert, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development informed. Additional control measures have been established at the border, and disinfection of vehicles transporting animals has been implemented.
Foot-and-mouth disease in Germany. Farmers sound the alarm
Minister of Agriculture Czesław Siekierski and Deputy Minister Michał Kołodziejczak met on Friday with representatives of the swine production sector and the President of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers, Wiktor Szmulewicz.
Representatives of the farmers expressed their concerns and the threats resulting from this situation. They also pointed to the increasing influx of live animals from German territory and meat that, due to foot-and-mouth disease, will not be exported to third countries.
They noted that pig producers are already experiencing difficulties in selling pigs to slaughterhouses in Poland, which results in the necessity of keeping animals longer on farms. They advocated for increased monitoring of animal movement and consideration of banning the import of meat from German territory.
Foot-and-mouth disease: Here's what you need to know
The Chief Sanitary Inspector informs in a communiqué that foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagious disease that causes enormous losses in the meat industry and livestock.
"Cows, pigs, goats and sheep are most often affected. The virus, which is highly infectious to animals, is characterised by high resilience in the environment and spreads easily regardless of weather conditions. Countries where FMD occurs face very large economic losses in the meat industry and livestock, as well as the mandatory elimination of herds where the infection has been found," reads the communiqué from the Chief Sanitary Inspector.
The Chief Sanitary Inspector informs in a communiqué that foot-and-mouth disease is a highly contagious disease that causes enormous losses in the meat industry and livestock.