LifestyleFighting indoor plant pests: how chamomile and garlic can help control fungus gnats

Fighting indoor plant pests: how chamomile and garlic can help control fungus gnats

Fungus gnats often appear in indoor plants due to overwatering. These small, black insects may be mistaken for fruit flies, but they are, in fact, fungus gnats. The adults themselves cause no harm to our plants. Still, their eggs can harm the roots, weakening the whole plant. Consequently, the plant becomes much more susceptible to fungal and bacterial diseases. When we spot these pests, the best action is to act promptly.

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Solution for fungus gnats: chamomile tea will suffice

Wondering how to get rid of fungus gnats? We can certainly use specialised treatments available in gardening stores. However, an alternative homebrew solution is also effective if we prefer not to purchase potentially expensive and harsh chemical treatments.

The gnats in the soil can be dealt with by applying strong chamomile tea. To prepare the solution, infuse about nine bags of chamomile tea in roughly 473 ml (2 cups) of water, cover it and allow the brew to cool. Once it is cooled, squeeze out the tea bags and water the plants with the prepared tea. This should be done every 10-14 days to ensure ridding of all eggs and larvae effectively.

How to remove gnats from a pot? Try a garlic brew

Another home remedy for fungus gnats involves using a garlic brew. To prepare this, take a bulb of garlic, separate and peel the cloves, and then pour about 473 ml (2 cups) of boiling water over them. Allow the garlic and boiling water mixture to cool. After it has cooled, dilute it with about 1.89 litres (half a gallon) of still water, then water the plants with this mixture every two weeks. Though effective, the distinct smell might be considered a downside of the garlic brew solution. The fungus gnats should be eradicated after a few applications.

Several other methods can also help get rid of the gnats. Essential oils like cinnamon are effective. Just add 20 drops of the oil to around 237 ml (a cup) of lukewarm water, and spray the resulting mixture onto the plants. However, kindly note that this method affects only the adult gnats.

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