Fighting the sedentary lifestyle: The importance of gluteal health in posture and pain relief
At present, numerous individuals struggle with gluteal muscle atrophy. This is largely attributed to a sedentary lifestyle. When we maintain such a posture, the gluteal muscles remain inactive, leading to back pain, primarily in the lumbar region.
However, lumbar pain isn't the only concern. Gluteal muscles are tasked with holding the hips in the appropriate position, having an influence on accurate posture. The weakening of gluteal muscles leads to the so-called dead butt syndrome. This occurs not only due to a lack of physical activity but also an unhealthy diet.
Dead butt syndrome
Sitting for prolonged periods causes the buttocks to relax, leading to their gradual weakening. To fend off spinal pain or discomfort in the knee and ankle joints, as well as calf inflammation, it is advisable to pay close attention to your diet and lifestyle. It is equally important to add a few exercises that engage the gluteal muscles into your daily routine.
It's worth mentioning that weakened buttocks can also result in abnormal development of leg muscles and a reduced range of movements within the pelvis.
Exercises for the gluteal muscles
If you're aiming to enhance the appearance of your buttocks, there's no immediate need to spend hours in the gym. Many exercises can be done at home. One such exercise is standing kickbacks. Begin by standing and lifting your right leg. Extend your arms in front of you and clench your fists. Gently stretch your right leg as far back as you can. Hold this position for a moment, then pull the leg towards your chest. Repeat this exercise 7-10 times before switching legs.
Another similar exercise is kneeling kickbacks. Start on your knees with your hands shoulder-width apart. Pull your left knee towards your chest, then stretch your left leg as far back as possible, ensuring a right angle between your thigh and calf is maintained. Hold this position briefly, then draw the leg back to your chest. Repeat this exercise 15-20 times before switching sides.
Raising the hips with a straight leg is another set of exercises worth integrating into your daily routine. Lie on your back to start. Position your body in a bridge - your knees should be bent, your feet firm on the ground, and your hips should be elevated. Leave your left leg bent at the knee, and raise your right leg straight up into the air. Ensure your hips remain still and your gluteal muscles are engaged throughout the exercise. Repeat this move on the left side. Aim for 15 repetitions per set.
No time for daily exercises? Change your lifestyle
For office workers, sports physiotherapists recommend purchasing a fitness ball.
Consistency and regular training are vital. It is recommended to exercise at home approximately 2-3 times a week.
Diet impacts gluteal muscle health
In addition to exercise, your diet deserves attention. A diet rich in sugar and heavily processed products lacks the necessary protein, weakening muscle. Don't forget to include a good variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products in your diet.
It's also crucial to stay hydrated. It's generally accepted that we should consume approximately 1 ml of water for each gram of our body weight. However, actual water requirements can vary based on numerous factors. A healthy adult is typically advised to drink between 1.8 to 2.2 liters of water daily.