LifestyleFormer burglar turned TikTok star shares top home security tips

Former burglar turned TikTok star shares top home security tips

Jen Jen Gomez spent ten years in prison for theft. Today, she shares tips and advice on protecting your home from burglary on her TikTok profile.

Jen Jen Gomez spent ten years in prison due to thefts.
Jen Jen Gomez spent ten years in prison due to thefts.
Images source: © Instagram | jenjengomez2.0
Aleksandra Lewandowska

TikTok is filled with all kinds of videos. Among them, you can find those posted by former burglars. Jen Jen Gomez, who spent ten years in prison for robbing homes, now shares her experience to warn others against thieves.

A former burglar on robbing homes

Jen Jen Gomez shared a video on her TikTok profile listing things she considered when choosing homes and the days she wanted to break into them.

One of the most essential things on Jen's list was the weather. As she explained, the best days for burglaries are those when rain is expected. The worst are sunny days because most people want to spend their time outside. For a burglar, this means that neighbours might catch them.

The second thing was the time of the burglary. According to Jen, the best times for thefts are the hours when people are at work. She stated that her "best times" for thefts were 8-11 AM and 1-3 PM.

The burglar's "checklist"

Other essential aspects Jen mentioned include pets and security systems. If there are pets in the house, the motion sensor is likely turned off. An alarm system is a sign that valuable items are probably in the house.

While robbing homes, Jen also paid attention to location and escape routes—the more trees and bushes around the property, the better for the burglar. Similarly, low windows are one of the best options for quickly getting out of the house.

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