AutosGerman U-boat's final journey captivates tourists and online viewers

German U‑boat's final journey captivates tourists and online viewers

Large transport operations often attract onlookers, but this one even fascinates tourists who see the stages of this behemoth's journey to the museum.

Transport of the U-Boat
Transport of the U-Boat
Images source: © Technik Museen Sinsheim Speyer
Marcin Łobodziński

The German submarine (U-Boat), decommissioned in 2010, has already been transported several times in its history, and on 30 June, it set off once again. Today, thanks to social media, its transport has become a tourist attraction, and the museum it’s headed to is broadcasting the transport live. You can watch it via their YouTube channel.

The German vessel is heading to its final destination, the Technik Museum in Sinsheim. It was taken to the Technik Museum in Speyer last year, where it underwent renovation.

On 18 July, it crossed the railway crossing in Bad Rappenau, where the vessel had to be tilted on the platform and overhead power lines lifted. Tilting the ship because its conning tower doesn’t fit under bridges or other structures is a standard procedure in this transport.

After the last stage, the drivers of the MAN truck, which is pulling the 30-axle platform with a 350,000-kg load, are resting. Crossing the railway took from midnight. Now, the U-boat is waiting to enter the motorway.

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