TechGlobal wildlife crisis: UN report reveals alarming decline in migratory species

Global wildlife crisis: UN report reveals alarming decline in migratory species

The report was first presented at a press conference held to open the 14th UN Conference on Wildlife Conservation (CMS COP14) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

The steppe antelope - saiga - its population has been successfully saved.
The steppe antelope - saiga - its population has been successfully saved.
Images source: © Unsplash | Dasha Urvachova

Decreasing number of migrating animal species

Every year, billions of animals travel miles across land, oceans and skies. They cross borders and often travel thousands of miles to find food and reproduce.

The report shows that the situation for some species listed in the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) is improving. However, almost half of them (44%) are experiencing a decline in population numbers. More than one in five (22%) species on the CMS list are threatened with extinction. This is particularly true for almost all fish (97%) on the list, including sharks, rays, and sturgeons; their population has decreased by 90% since the 1970s.

The extinction risk of migratory species not listed in the CMS is also increasing globally. In total, 399 migratory species threatened with or nearing extinction are not currently listed by the CMS.

The two largest threats facing all migratory species are overexploitation and habitat loss, largely due to human activity. Three-quarters of species on the CMS list are affected by habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation. Seven out of ten species are affected by overexploitation, through both intentional harvesting and accidental catching, such as during fishing.

More than half (51%) of key biodiversity areas, which are critically important for migrating animals on the CMS list, are not currently protected. Climate change, pollution and invasive species are also causing significant harm to migratory species.

The report is currently the only comprehensive assessment of migratory species. It offers a global overview of their protection status, population trends and the major threats they face, and outlines actions that can be taken to protect them.

In her comment, Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said: "Today's report provides evidence that unsustainable human activity is threatening the future of migratory species - creatures that serve as indicators of environmental changes but also play an integral role in maintaining the functionality and resilience of our planet's complex ecosystems. The global community has the opportunity to translate this latest scientific knowledge into real conservation actions. Given the uncertain situation facing many of these animals, we cannot afford delays and must work together to turn these recommendations into reality".

Migratory species play a critical role in maintaining global ecosystems and provide significant benefits, such as pollinating plants, transporting essential nutrients, consuming pests, or storing carbon dioxide.

The report was prepared by conservation scientists at the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), using the world's most reliable species data sets. It includes contributions from institutions such as BirdLife International, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).

Primarily, the report focuses on 1,189 animal species that the CMS parties have recognised as requiring international protection and are listed in the CMS. The document also includes an analysis of over 3,000 additional migratory species that are not covered by the CMS.

Species listed in the Convention are those threatened with extinction throughout or in a significant part of their range or require coordinated international actions to improve their conservation status. Being included in the CMS guarantees international protection.

Supporting migratory species

Participants at the conference suggested that to support migratory species, we need to:

  • strengthen and increase efforts to address illegal and unsustainable harvesting of migratory species, as well as the incidental catch of non-target species;
  • ramp up actions aimed at identifying, protecting, connecting, and effectively managing crucial habitats for migratory species;
  • urgently address the species most threatened with extinction, including almost all fish species on the CMS list;
  • heighten efforts to battle climate change, and light, noise, chemical, and plastic pollution; consider expanding CMS listings to include more endangered migratory species requiring attention at national and international levels.

The report showcases the successful protection of Kazakhstan's endangered steppe antelope (saiga) population as an example of effective action. It has also highlighted a 91% reduction in poaching activity in Cyprus, known for trapping migratory birds using nets and traps.

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