TechHarvard scientists propose radical theory: Aliens among us?

Harvard scientists propose radical theory: Aliens among us?

Fans of conspiracy theories and UFOs will be thrilled. It's all because of research from scientists at Harvard University, who believe that aliens might live on Earth and walk among humans. Does this mean your neighbour is travelling in a spaceship?

Researchers from Harvard believe that aliens live on Earth
Researchers from Harvard believe that aliens live on Earth
Images source: © Canva | Canva

Mysterious crop circles, abductions of cows or other animals, unidentified flying objects, or Area 51 in the United States—fans of alien-related conspiracy theories have irrefutable evidence that UFOs exist and regularly visit Earth. So far, scientists from NASA have consistently debunked alleged evidence of extraterrestrial beings. Now, it appears that scientists from Harvard University have decided to look into the matter. Their research may shed new light on all theories concerning UFOs.

Are UFOs descendants of intelligent dinosaurs?

Scientists from Harvard University participating in a program to enhance human capabilities have decided to investigate cryptoterrestrials, beings that might take human form. Researchers believe that these beings could originate from Earth's future or be descendants of intelligent dinosaurs.

The phenomenon of cryptoterrestrials was first discussed in the book "The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us" written by Mac Tonnies and published in March 2010. Now, however, potential aliens are being studied by scientists. According to them, cryptoterrestrials travel in spaceships considered unidentified flying objects by Earthlings.

Do aliens live among us?

Researchers from Harvard University have developed four theories regarding cryptoterrestrials. They believe that non-human intelligences (NHI) might live among humans due to their ability to shape-shift and resemble human beings. The theories suggest that the origins of these aliens might be from ancient human civilizations, advanced non-human terrestrial animals, extraterrestrial beings, time travellers, or "magical" entities like fairies or elves. Do scientists have certainty that UFOs navigate Earth? No, but that doesn't stop them from creating new theories.

Researchers from Harvard believe that UFOs live among us.
Researchers from Harvard believe that UFOs live among us.© Canva | Canva

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