LifestyleHidden dangers of nail polish: Who should avoid manicures

Hidden dangers of nail polish: Who should avoid manicures

Painted, beautifully looking nails don't always equate to healthy nails. This is because using hybrid or traditional nail polishes can have unpleasant consequences. Certain groups of people should actually avoid manicures and pedicures.

Nail polishes can have a harmful effect on the nail plate
Nail polishes can have a harmful effect on the nail plate
Images source: © Getty Images | Aleksandr Zubkov

For many women, painted nails are an inseparable element of their femininity. They attach as much importance to their manicure as to their skincare. A deep colour, a perfectly filed shape, and a shiny finish for them are a reflection of a polished image and a way to express their style. However, it is worth keeping in mind that beneath the layer of polish, there may be damage that is both visible and palpable.

What to choose – classic or hybrid nail polish?

Classic nail polishes are the safest option for nail painting enthusiasts. Choosing the right colour is also essential—the darker the polish, the harder it is to remove, which can be more damaging to the nail plate. Durable polishes that last a long time often require acetone removal, which dries out the nail plate and can penetrate the nail bed.

Hybrid polishes are considered safe, provided they are used sparingly. Chemical substances in polishes can penetrate the body. Illuminating the filed nail plate under UV lamps is particularly dangerous, as it can lead to yellowing, weakening, brittleness, and even crumbling of nails.

Who should not paint their nails?

Some individuals should avoid painting their nails. This mainly concerns those who have recurring inflammations of the finger pads. Polishes are also contraindicated for people with nail fungal or yeast infections, as moisture around the nail promotes microorganism growth.

People who have planned surgery should avoid hybrid polishes, as the thick layer of polish can hinder the transmission of light waves and the measurement of blood oxygen saturation using a pulse oximeter.

Additionally, nail painting is not recommended for people allergic to polish ingredients, those dealing with nail plate layering, or those suffering from vitiligo. Children should also not use polishes.

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