NewsHidden hell: Russian soldiers' grim reality beneath the tank

Hidden hell: Russian soldiers' grim reality beneath the tank

There is a hole in the ground under a tank with Russian soldiers in it. In a video, Aleksander Sładkow, a Kremlin propagandist, boasted about this spot. The film shows invaders talking about their "dream job." They wear masks on their faces because they can't withstand the stench of decomposing corpses surrounding them.

Recording from a Russian tank
Recording from a Russian tank
Images source: © X | WarTranslated (Dmitri)
Rafał Strzelec

Aleksander Sładkow is dubbed a "Russian war correspondent". He is a propagandist who shares various types of information and recordings from the front.

He just published a video from a crater under a destroyed Russian tank. He "boasted" about the conditions in which the invading soldiers lived.

Recording with Russian soldiers. "Safe job"

The video shows soldiers sitting in a kind of "hideout" under the tank, where they are likely hiding from the threat posed by the Ukrainian army. The soldiers smoke cigarettes, smile under their masks, and claim their job is safe. At one point, one of them talks about what surrounds the soldiers: decomposing bodies lying next to them.

The civilisation of larvae is so advanced that within a week they will be joining rockets in space. You take any body part, and it stays in your hand - says one of the soldiers.

As they add, they must enlarge their "base" to accommodate more soldiers. - It will be luxurious - they say. They add that they intend to fill all possible gaps with bags of dirt to protect their "camp" from fire or a potential attack, such as a drone. The following video is from Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region.

When Sładkow shared the video, he wrote that no "Western Rambo would be able to withstand such conditions". - The crater under the damaged tank is a residence - he said. Commenting on the video, viewers note the difference between Russian propaganda and the reality of the Russian army. Internet users remember that Putin's army was supposed to capture Kyiv in three days, and now its soldiers are sitting in such terrible conditions, far from the capital of Ukraine.

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