LifestyleHow duct tape became the ultimate cruise travel essential

How duct tape became the ultimate cruise travel essential

Everyone has different opinions on what should be in travel luggage. At first glance, a travel blogger's advice might seem rather odd. For a cruise trip, he recommends bringing... duct tape. According to him, there are many reasons for this.

A blogger advises taking adhesive tape with you on a trip.
A blogger advises taking adhesive tape with you on a trip.
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Duct tape is one of the items that, as suggested by the American travel blogger The Points Guy, every traveller should have with them.

What is worth taking on a trip?

In his opinion, it can be used for repairing damaged bags, attaching luggage tags, or mending torn clothes.

Quoted by, the blogger described a situation when his luggage broke in two places and had a hole at the top. Thanks to duct tape, he was able to fix it in time for the trip.

Duct tape can also be useful for attaching paper luggage tags after a flight and before boarding the ship.

What to take on a cruise?

Besides duct tape, The Points Guy recommends bringing a baggage tracker, highlighters for marking daily plans, magnetic hooks for organising tickets and dinner invitations, and an air freshener for shared bathrooms.

Additionally, in his opinion, it is worth having cash, a night light, a reusable water bottle, waterproof bags, and a cruise documents holder. According to the blogger, these items can significantly ease functioning on the ship and make the journey more comfortable.

And what unusual items do you take with you on a trip?

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