LifestyleHow essential oils and spices can keep martens at bay

How essential oils and spices can keep martens at bay

Martens can become a significant issue in our surroundings. If we are concerned they might appear in the garden, house, or car, there is a way to deter them using scent. What is the most effective method?

Home remedies for martens
Home remedies for martens
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Rudmer Zwerver

Martens, though they may appear cute, are capable of causing substantial damage. They can damage electrical wires, make noise, and create an unpleasant smell. To counteract their presence, it's advisable to use proven methods.

Home remedy for martens

Martens are agile and can climb and squeeze through small openings. Unfortunately, the damage they cause can have a considerable impact on our finances. That's why their presence should not be underestimated.

There are traps available in shops for martens, but there are also humane ways to deter them. Martens often settle in our gardens, where they search for food. These creatures feed on fruits and small rodents.

During the autumn-winter period, they seek shelter from the cold, which is why they often visit basements, garages, and even attics. To minimise the risk of unwanted guests, it's essential to ensure that food scraps are not left out and to secure rubbish bins.

One of the solutions for deterring martens is using essential oils, whose strong scent repels these creatures. We can use eucalyptus or mint-scented oil, applying it on cotton balls and placing them in areas where these rodents may appear.

Pepper can also be equally helpful. Simply sprinkle peppercorns in areas where martens might appear. The scent should deter them.

The marten seeks shelter from winter

The marten is usually apprehensive of people. However, in winter, you are more likely to encounter them. Besides utility rooms, these creatures love to hide under car bonnets, often entering from underneath.

Unfortunately, the effects of their visit can be disastrous. Martens eagerly chew on cables, which can seriously damage the vehicle. This often involves significant costs.

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