LifestyleHow to banish booklice: Tips for a pest-free home

How to banish booklice: Tips for a pest-free home

Booklice, also known as psocids, are not welcome in our homes. Although they do not directly threaten health, their presence can be burdensome. How can you get rid of them from your home?

How to get rid of booklice from the house?
How to get rid of booklice from the house?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | KLEJDYSZ TOMASZ

These small insects can be hard to detect, but their presence becomes problematic when they start destroying food supplies or other household items. Therefore, it is important to recognise them and take appropriate steps to remove them quickly.

What do booklice look like?

They can appear in basements, pantries, and houses – especially in damp corners, under wallpapers, on bookshelves, and wherever food is stored. They are very small – measuring about 1 centimetre in length. Generally, they have a yellow, brown, beige, or white colour. Notable characteristics of these insects include their prominent antennae and three pairs of legs, which enable them to move efficiently across various surfaces. Some people mistake them for lice or bedbugs.

Many people worry when they notice booklice in their home. Fortunately, they are not dangerous to humans; contrary to their name, they do not bite. They do not transmit diseases but can spread allergens, making their presence undesirable, especially for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

How to get rid of them effectively?

Psocids can live up to six months (including up to two months without food). During this time, females can lay about 100-200 eggs, making it quite challenging to eliminate them from a flat. However, there are effective ways to combat these pests.

Maintaining appropriate humidity levels in the home is an effective way to fight booklice. Regularly checking plumbing installations and frequent ventilation of rooms are key to avoiding excessive moisture and, consequently, booklice problems. Frequent cleaning, including vacuuming, is equally important. Removing organic residues from countertops and kitchen cabinets, which can serve as food for insects, prevents their reproduction.

One home remedy to eliminate unwanted insects is preparing a mixture of 60 millilitres of vinegar, juice from half a lemon (or grapefruit), and a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix everything well. Use the mixture to wipe places where booklice appears or spray all corners with a spray bottle. The solution is also suitable for cleaning countertops, tiles, shelves, and floors.

If home methods fail, purchasing ready-to-use insecticidal products from the shop is worth purchasing.

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