LifestyleHow to rescue thuja trees from browning: Expert tips and advice

How to rescue thuja trees from browning: Expert tips and advice

Browning of thuja trees is a problem that many Britons face. If you observe such an issue, you must react quickly. What to do when thuja trees turn brown? We advise.

Browning of thuja - how to react?
Browning of thuja - how to react?
Images source: © Adobe Stock
Mateusz Domański

Browning of thuja trees is a relatively common problem. It can have diverse causes. One of them is improper watering - the browning of thuja needles can be caused by both a lack and an excess of water.

An inappropriate location can also be a significant problem. Remember that thuja trees prefer sunny or slightly shaded places.

Thuja trees also turn brown when the soil is poor or fungal diseases occur. Pests, cat or dog urine, and frost damage can also cause browning.

How to save thuja trees?

How to act when thuja trees start to brown? First of all, make an appropriate diagnosis - carefully examine the thuja tree, check the roots, and look for pests.

Here we are describing some rescue actions you can take:

  • Watering: plants often deteriorate due to lack of sufficient water. Water thuja trees abundantly, especially on hot and dry days, preferably in the morning or evening. Avoid spraying the crowns;
  • Fertilisation: in early spring or early summer, use a fertiliser dedicated to thuja trees, which will help replenish missing nutrients;
  • Pest control: if you notice the presence of pests, use appropriate plant protection products, following the instructions;
  • Treating fungal diseases: phytophthora is a common fungal disease that requires a specialised agent, such as Polyversum WP. Use according to the recommendations on the label;
  • Pruning: remove dry and diseased branches to improve the overall condition of the plant;
  • Protection: in winter, protect young thuja trees with agrotextile fabric.

You can also use sprays. A homemade solution can be prepared from 10 garlic cloves and 1 litre of water. Of course, you can also use sprays available in stores.

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