LifestyleHow to tackle toilet stains using toothpaste and citric acid

How to tackle toilet stains using toothpaste and citric acid

Cleaning the toilet seat is not the most pleasant task. However, it is necessary because bacteria collect on it. Two products you have at home can handle yellow stains and smudges.

Cleaning the toilet seat is not the most pleasant activity.
Cleaning the toilet seat is not the most pleasant activity.
Images source: © Getty Images | Creativebird
Aleksandra Lewandowska

The surface of the toilet seat tends to develop stains and smudges despite using detergents. Unfortunately, not all bathroom cleaning products can handle stains on the toilet seat. However, there is a homemade method that costs just a few pounds. These two products will renew the toilet seat in no time.

How to clean the toilet seat?

If the toilet seat in your bathroom has stains and smudges, you don't need to buy special and expensive chemical cleaners. You just need to use products that you probably already have at home. One is toothpaste, and the other is citric acid.

You need to mix toothpaste and citric acid together. Apply the resulting mixture to the largest stains on the seat and leave it on for about 30 minutes. After this time, thoroughly scrub the entire toilet seat and dry it completely.

Note! Ordinary, white, inexpensive toothpaste works best when cleaning the toilet seat. It is not recommended to use black toothpaste with added charcoal.

This product will handle a yellow toilet seat

Another equally good way to clean the toilet seat and get rid of yellow stains is to use shaving foam. Simply apply the foam to all dirty areas and wait at least half an hour. Then, carefully wipe down the seat with a cloth. And it's done!

Why are these methods the best? Citric acid effectively removes yellow stains and smudges from the seat. Similarly, toothpaste handles dirt on such surfaces. Shaving foam contains ingredients that can handle deposits and even scale. It can also be used to clean other places, such as taps.

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