EntertainmentIShowSpeed caught in fiery stunt as robot dog malfunctions

IShowSpeed caught in fiery stunt as robot dog malfunctions

IShowSpeed has again demonstrated his willingness to go to great lengths for views. The influencer purchased a robot dog, one of whose abilities is to breathe fire. The streamer decided to test the capabilities of his new toy, leading to several dangerous situations.

IShowSpeed was set on fire by a robo-dog
IShowSpeed was set on fire by a robo-dog
Images source: © twitter: dexerto | Twitter: Dexerto

Influencers do almost anything to enhance their recognition and popularity, engaging in risky challenges and creating music, product collaborations, and travel recordings. The aim is singular: to get people talking, thereby increasing video views and comments. What is said doesn’t matter as long as they get the name right. This principle is observed among Polish influencers and is prevalent in the international market.

IShowSpeed attacked by fire

During a visit to Germany, IShowSpeed acquired a new, expensive toy. He bought a robot dog, costing 50,000 euros (approximately £42,933). After a brief period of play, the streamer felt the device did not meet his expectations. Rather than abandoning the idea of testing the robot dog's capabilities, IShowSpeed purchased its newer, more expensive version, estimated to cost 100,000 euros (£85,867).

The influencer tested the robot dog while standing by his pool. Wisely, the streamer wore fireproof clothing, which ultimately saved his life. Initially, the dog did not obey the streamer, leading to disappointment. The situation changed when the YouTuber commanded the dog to bark. Instead of making a sound, it started breathing fire. The flames struck IShowSpeed's trousers, prompting him to jump into the pool to extinguish the flames instinctively. A team of firefighters was also on standby in case something went wrong.

IShowSpeed got angry at the robot dog

The robot dog did not stop setting the influencer’s trousers on fire. The next burst of fire came within inches of IShowSpeed’s face. Terrified, the streamer demanded to “turn off this (...)” to prevent the dog from chasing him. Concluding his adventure with the toy, IShowSpeed declared he wouldn’t “do it anymore.” The influencer added that using the robot must occur under strictly controlled conditions; otherwise, it could lead to a tragedy.

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