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NewsIslamic State claims responsibility for Moscow attack amid torture allegations

Islamic State claims responsibility for Moscow attack amid torture allegations

Suspected terrorists of the attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow are in Russian custody. Photos and video material from "interrogations" carried out by investigators have been leaked online. - Russia and human rights are mutually exclusive terms - comments Jarosław Wolski.

The Russians brutally interrogate suspects of the attack near Moscow.
The Russians brutally interrogate suspects of the attack near Moscow.
Images source: © X
Bartłomiej Nowak

The Islamic State has taken responsibility for the Friday attack at Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow. The day after the attack, the Russians detained and identified the suspected terrorists as citizens of Tajikistan.

Videos of the "interrogations" of the captured suspects are causing a stir online. The footage shows subjects undergoing crude tortures, essentially being coerced into confessing to the crimes. One of the videos shared on social media caught the attention of political scientist, journalist, and publicist Jarosław Wolski.

"Russia and human rights are mutually exclusive. Indeed - one of the attackers from ISIS-K is already subjected to having a car battery attached to his testicles as part of the standard Russian preliminary interrogation, and the photo has made it online" - wrote the journalist.

There are more suspects caught in connection with the attack near Moscow, and the materials about them are equally disturbing. On Saturday, a particularly brutal confrontation of an alleged terrorist with "officers" of the Russian services was reported.

In the second part of his post on the X(Twitter) platform, Wolski highlights two additional points regarding the treatment of prisoners. Firstly, he compares the Russian methods to those of the Third Reich or the USSR.

"Think about what happens to Ukrainian POWs. Russia acts the same as OGPU, NKVD, NKGB, SMIERSZ, GESTAPO, etc." - writes Wolski.

In the final part of the post, the journalist points out the effectiveness of these methods. He references the swift dismantling of the resistance movement in areas of Ukraine occupied by the Russians.

On a different note: in less than two years, Russia has completely eradicated the guerrilla movement in the occupied regions of Ukraine. The photo mentioned earlier partly explains how - concludes Wolski's post.

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