John Phillips' daughter reveals decade-long incestuous relationship
Papa John’s eldest daughter's words shocked his millions of fans. Even stepmother Mackenzie didn’t want to believe the confession of the musician and leader of "The Mamas & The Papas"’s daughter. Years later, the singer's daughter admitted that she had lived in an incestuous relationship with her father.
Mackenzie, daughter of John Phillips, leader of the band The Mamas & the Papas, was born in 1959. For many years, she grew up surrounded by celebrities and Hollywood stars, which certainly influenced her later artistic journey. She herself became an actress, just like her sisters Chyna, who is a singer, and Bijou, who decided to go to acting school.
Mackenzie Phillips began her acting career in 1973, starring in the films "Go Ask Alice" and "American Graffiti." However, it was her role in the series "One Day at a Time," which she received two years after her debut, that contributed to her artistic development. Unfortunately, producers quickly noticed that Mackenzie had a problem she couldn’t hide. The young actress fell into an addiction, most likely caused by the toxic relationship with her father. Her drug addiction quickly caused her to lose her job.
She was harmed by her own father
Nevertheless, over time, she managed to overcome her addiction and return to acting, as well as find her calling as an addiction therapist. Years later, Mackenzie revealed that her problems with drugs were not the only traumatic experience from her childhood. The star accused her father of various forms of abuse, including giving her heroin.
- On the eve of my wedding, my father appeared determined to stop it. I had a lot of pills, and Dad had a lot of everything. I finally passed out on Dad’s bed... My father was not a man with boundaries. He was full of love, but he was also sick from drugs. I woke up that night after losing consciousness and discovered I was having sex with my own father. Did it happen before? I didn’t know. I can only say that was the first time I was aware of it - she wrote years later in her autobiography.
The first rape was supposed to have taken place in 1979 when Mackenzie was just 19 years old. In 1980, after being fired from the series "One Day at a Time" due to addictions, Mackenzie Phillips joined her father on tour with "New Mamas and the Papas."
At that time, their relationship took on a pathological character. Phillips confessed that they had sex many times. She described the relations as "mutual consent." Their incestuous relationship lasted 10 years, but the matter became complicated when the raped daughter became pregnant and was unsure if the child was her husband’s or her father’s. She decided to have an abortion, which the musician paid for without any problems.
No one wanted to believe her
Mackenzie’s confession shocked America, and her stepmother, Michelle Phillips, accused her of lying, attributing it to her mental issues and long-term addiction. She also suggested that Mackenzie was jealous of her siblings’ success, as they did not fall into addiction.
Only her half-sister, Chyna Phillips, stood by Mackenzie’s side.
- He had a dark side and you never knew if and when he would show it. He was impossible to figure out. I want you to know that when I chose you, I did it with full conviction. I believe you and I was proud that you revealed it, even though it meant pain for each of us - she said in a recording published on YouTube.