FoodLeftover pasta casserole: A delicious and waste-free solution

Leftover pasta casserole: A delicious and waste-free solution

Cooking too much pasta is not a tragedy, but instead... an opportunity. No, that's not a mistake. Turn flaws into advantages, minuses into pluses, and leftovers from the last meal into a delicious casserole – that’s my motto!

Pasta bake
Pasta bake
Images source: © Adobe Stock | brent Hofacker

Impressing a mother-in-law is no joke, and I don't use these words lightly. However, this can only mean one thing: the dish I'm going to tell you about today is really worth your attention. Moreover, the essence of this dish is not just its taste but also an excellent way to avoid wasting food. After all, who hasn’t cooked too much pasta at least once?

What can you do with cooked pasta?

Pasta leftovers can play two roles in our kitchen: either they become a reason for guilt – because no one likes throwing good food away – or they become the star of a brand-new, delicious dish. In just a few moments, I transform cooked pasta into a fantastic casserole that even my mother-in-law loves. Of course, she has no idea that the lunch served to her was made from what I used the day before to prepare Italian pasta. What the eyes don’t see... and so on.

The recipe is ridiculously simple and can be modified in numerous ways. In my case, the pasta add-ins are: green peas, chicken, and cheese. Add a few spices, cream, and a bit of patience. That’s it!

Casserole with cooked pasta


  • cooked pasta (I used about 450 grams),
  • 1 chicken breast,
  • 1 small can of green peas,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 cup of 18% cream,
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • chicken seasoning,
  • pinch of oregano,
  • 100 grams of cheddar cheese, cubed.


  1. Drizzle the chicken breast with olive oil and sprinkle with spices.
  2. Set aside for half an hour, then cut into smaller pieces and sauté in a small amount of oil.
  3. In the meantime, beat the eggs and mix them with shredded cheese, cream, salt, pepper, and oregano.
  4. Now combine the chicken with drained peas and the prepared sauce.
  5. Transfer everything to a greased oven dish. Place in a preheated oven at 180°C and bake for 30 minutes. Done!

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