LifestyleLight discolouration on women's underwear: a health concern or misunderstood normality?

Light discolouration on women's underwear: a health concern or misunderstood normality?

Women often notice a light discolouration on their underwear after some time of use. This causes alarm for many, as they believe that these marks in the crotch area could be indicative of a disease or a sign of poor hygiene. However, the real reason is quite different.

Panties discoloured at the crotch worry many women.
Panties discoloured at the crotch worry many women.
Images source: © Facebook

Is discoloured underwear in the crotch area a concern?

Discolouration on underwear is a perfectly normal occurrence. The London Vagina Museum displayed a picture of used underwear with a distinct discolouration in a Facebook post. "Have you noticed lighter patches on your dark underwear? That's normal! The vagina is acidic and has a pH of 3.8-4.5. It's sufficiently acidic to change the colour of the fabric. These spots are not from blood or secretions - a perfectly healthy vagina has lightened the fabric" - stated the post.

This revelation was part of an exhibition and garnered quite extensive feedback. "We receive many responses from people who were not aware of why this happens. Fading spots in underwear are nothing to be ashamed of. They are not a sign of dirt or lack of hygiene. And you're not the only one who has them" - the post clarified.

Online users shared comments aplenty. "I thought it was problematic"

The post gathered a massive number of reactions - likes, shares, and comments. "My mum passed away just before I hit puberty, so when it started, I was terrified as I didn't know if this was normal. I couldn't discuss it with my dad. It took me years to understand that it's actually a sign of a healthy vagina," one commenter shared.

"I saw a guy mocking his girlfriend's discoloured underwear online, it was mortifying", "My partner asked if I was bleaching the underwear, I felt embarrassed", "Thanks for sharing this! I've spent my whole life thinking that there was something wrong" - other women added.

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