FoodMaster the art of peeling hard-boiled eggs effortlessly

Master the art of peeling hard-boiled eggs effortlessly

Peeling hard-boiled eggs, although it seems trivial, often becomes problematic. Sometimes, the shell stubbornly refuses to come off, and the white ends up shredded. That's why it's worth knowing this trick, as it ensures the eggs will always be perfectly smooth and saves us many troubles.

How to peel eggs quickly?
How to peel eggs quickly?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | LEONID IASTREMSKYI

Whether eggs will peel well largely depends on their freshness. Fresh eggs are more acidic, which makes the membrane under the shell stronger, and the white firmer. This makes peeling difficult. Over time, eggs lose carbon dioxide, which causes the pH to rise and reduces acidity. That's why older eggs peel more easily. However, the method of boiling eggs also significantly matters.

Remember before you start boiling eggs

Eggs will peel easily when we pay attention to a few details during cooking. First of all, they should be at room temperature. Therefore, it is better not to take them out of the fridge at the last moment but think about it an hour earlier. If this isn't possible, it’s worth warming them up by submerging them in warm water for a few minutes. This way, we avoid cracking the shells during cooking.

The trick for smooth egg peeling

A proven trick to make eggs peel well is to add lemon slices or lemon juice to the boiling water. They make the shell more porous, which makes it easier to separate from the white. Why does it work? Citric acid lowers the pH of the white, helping to loosen the membrane between the shell and the egg. You only need one tablespoon of lemon juice per litre of water or a slice of lemon thrown into the pot. You can also add baking soda, vinegar, or salt to the water. Eggs boiled with these additions will have their shells come off without a problem.


After boiling, it's good to immediately transfer the eggs to cold water, which causes the white to contract and makes peeling easier.

Quick way to not peel eggs

There's another effective method. Simply transfer the boiled eggs into a jar of cold water and shake it vigorously. This causes the shell to crack, and water penetrates underneath, making it easier to separate the individual layers. This method is quick and effective, and the shell comes off on its own.

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