NewsMatt Gaetz withdraws attorney general bid amid scandals

Matt Gaetz withdraws attorney general bid amid scandals

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, who Donald Trump nominated for the position of the new Attorney General of the USA, announced on Thursday that he is withdrawing his candidacy. Both the FBI and a Congressional committee have been investigating allegations regarding payments for sex with a 17-year-old.

Change. Trump's controversial man won't be the Attorney General of the USA.
Change. Trump's controversial man won't be the Attorney General of the USA.
Images source: © Getty Images | Miami Herald
Katarzyna Staszko

Gaetz made this announcement in a post on platform X just a day after meeting with Republican senators in an attempt to persuade them to back his candidacy.

As recently as Wednesday, Gaetz and the President-elect had been assuring everyone that the congressman would become the head of the Department of Justice and serve as Attorney General. Gaetz is one of the most controversial congressmen, having been the subject of an FBI investigation and a House Ethics Committee inquiry into allegations of payments for sex with a 17-year-old.

The 42-year-old politician from Florida resigned from his position in the House of Representatives shortly after Trump announced his nomination. Media outlets and politicians speculated that this decision was motivated by a desire to avoid the publication of the ethics committee's investigation report concerning him.

"Very damaging" document

Nevertheless, Democratic representatives filed a motion on Wednesday forcing a vote on the report's publication. The document, partially based on the testimonies of women with whom Gaetz had allegedly had relations, was said to be – according to leaks – "very damaging" to the politician, although the federal prosecutor's office decided not to press charges against him in this case.

Known for his outspoken views, Gaetz is a significant supporter of the MAGA movement. In 2023, his actions contributed to the removal of Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Speaker of the House. McCarthy claimed that this was in retaliation for not agreeing to dismiss the House Ethics Committee investigation.

However, as reported by the media, the opposition to Gaetz among Republican senators was substantial, with as many as 30 out of 53 ready to vote against his candidacy. Concerns were raised about the potential politicisation of the attorney general's office by Gaetz, which could result in its use as an instrument of political struggle against Trump's opponents.

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